My sweet husband forked out the big bucks to take us out mid May to Salum Restaurant on Cole Ave. for a special wine dinner with Bo Barrett! Now, since Don has taught me all I know about wine, he also introduced me to the movie Bottle Shock that came out in 2008. I had never heard of it, but Don loves it to this day! So you ask, who is Bo Barrett? And what is this movie Bottle Shock about?

Well to answer both of those questions, let's start with the movie. This film was a comedy-drama film based on the 1976 wine competition termed the "Judgement of Paris" when California wine defeated the French wine in a blind taste test. It's a very good movie and has given Don some awesome quotes to use in his paper business. He's even used clips from the movie in presentations.
Bo Barrett was the guest vintner at Salum the night of the wine dinner, along with his wine. He mingled with the guests, dining with us for a major part of the evening. He is the son that was depicted in the movie and is the current vintner of Chateau Montelena. It was his father Jim, that the 1973 Chardonnay vintage won first place among the white wines at the 1976 competition mentioned above. This movie is a must see if you love wine.
Another movie Don introduced me to was Sideways that came out in 2004. Check out the You Tube video on the link. In this movie, two guys in their forties take a week long road trip to Santa Barbara wine country. (That's where Don and I honeymooned-sweet!) These two guys don't have much to show but disappointment in life and one is about to take a walk down the isle of marriage. Check this movie out!
The next post I will share all the Chateau Montelena wines that we tasted at the Salum wine dinner.
Another movie Don introduced me to was Sideways that came out in 2004. Check out the You Tube video on the link. In this movie, two guys in their forties take a week long road trip to Santa Barbara wine country. (That's where Don and I honeymooned-sweet!) These two guys don't have much to show but disappointment in life and one is about to take a walk down the isle of marriage. Check this movie out!
Bo Barrett
Thank you honey for taking us there to meet an icon in the wine industry!
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